Fathers Day
Connect Church 980 Broad Meadows Blvd, Virginia Beach, VA, United StatesYoung Adults beach day
first landing parkThe young adults are having a family beach day. We will be meeting at First landing Park following the second service. The park has bathrooms and outside showers. Cost is $5 to park. This will be a nice laid back event where we can relax and have some fun. Everyone can come and go as...
Super Book Back to School Event
Connect Church 980 Broad Meadows Blvd, Virginia Beach, VA, United StatesOn August 18th from 12-2pm we are having a huge Superbook Back to School event. Super book is a Christian based cartoon that teaches bible story for kids. We are giving away 500 book bags. Free hotdogs, popcorn, snow cones and more. Make plans to come and join us it will be a great time
Connect Rally/ Water baptism
Connect Church 980 Broad Meadows Blvd, Virginia Beach, VA, United StatesWe are having another Connect Rally on September 30th at 10am. That means ONE service that day where we all come together as one. So make plans to join us that Sunday, we will also be having our water baptism that day. Come and be a part of it
Young Adults Ugly Sweater Christmas Party
The Young Adults from CHM are hosting their annual Ugly sweater Christmas party, it will be filled with lots of games food and great fellowship come join us. If you would like more information click on the link for further information https://www.facebook.com/groups/165141393646267/about/
The Gathering Youth Group Ugly Sweater Christmas Party
The Gathering Youth Group is having a Ugly Christmas Party, we want to invite all the youth to come and join us. It will be a fun night with filled with food and lots of games. If you would like more information you can click on the link for more informationhttps://www.facebook.com/CarpentersHouseMinistries/
Christmas Program
Connect Church 980 Broad Meadows Blvd, Virginia Beach, VA, United StatesWe will be having one service on December 16th at 10am. WE will be having our Christmas Program our teens and children have worked very hard on this for months and we are so excited for it. You are invited and we would love for you to join us for that special program
Communion Service
Connect Church 980 Broad Meadows Blvd, Virginia Beach, VA, United StatesPlease Join us for a Communion Service on December 23rd at 10am. We will be having one service that day. Let us come and worship Jesus, the true meaning of Chirstmas